
the text that possibly saved my life (it definitely made it less bad)

Sep 25, 2023
Weirdly Wired Women
the text that possibly saved my life (it definitely made it less bad)

In September three years ago, I texted a childhood friend to wish her a happy birthday.

We were practically conjoined in high school--same classes, hanging out on weekends, and on the phone for hours each afternoon.

(On a phone that was just a phone--with cords and busy signals. Though we both had call waiting. #baller)

We drifted apart after high school but always kept in touch. Now we were down to texts a few times a year--usually around birthdays to catch up on our lives.

It was 2020, so mid-Covid. I was expecting news about the headaches of school closings since we both had 6 year olds.

So this came as a total shock...

In case the image doesn't show, it says "I found out about a month ago that I had breast cancer. I just had a double mastectomy."


I was overdue for my mammogram.

In fact, I was YEARS overdue for my first mammogram.

I knew I should get one and I meant to schedule it, but...

Anyway, this news spurred me into action like nothing else.

After multiple mammograms and biopsies, I also had a breast cancer diagnosis. I also decided on a double mastectomy.

Luckily, that was all the treatment I needed. Because even after my delays, we still caught it early.

But what if I'd kept putting it off?

Being busy, neurodivergent, or anxious can turn making medical appointments into the task that always falls to the bottom of the to do list.

But it's so important we make them.

And since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and ADHD Awareness month, I'm hosting 3 body-doubling sessions in October... specifically to help you get your mammograms (or other health appointments) scheduled.

Bosom Buddies* Body-Doubling

Tues, Oct 10, 11am-1pm ET
Wed, Oct 18, 2pm-4pm ET
Mon, Oct 23, 9:30am-11:30 am ET


No, it's not cloning. Though I could use a clone or five to help me get things done...

Body-doubling, if you haven't heard the term, is basically co-working.

A session is a video call, usually an hour or two. Attendees share what they want to get done and then everyone turns of their mics and starts working, cameras on.

Having virtual colleagues somehow makes it easier--or makes you feel more accountable--to get things done.

Now, sharing medical details is not required, nor is being on camera. We'll take it as a given you're there to schedule medical appointments.

Speaking of details:

Sign up for all three sessions if you need to. Totally free. No obligations.
Drop in or out of sessions whenever works for you.
No need to turn on your camera or chat, though you're welcome to!

I’ll check in occasionally. And I’ll be in the chat. And I'll screen share random things I find entertaining.

And if you share that you made an appointment, we'll have a little celebration!

You can sign up here

I don't need mammograms any more but I'll be scheduling several other appointments. So if you're due--or overdue--for some medical care, please join me for a little camaraderie as we get these important checkups on our calendars.

Your (reconstructed) bosom buddy,


*Note: I picked Bosom Buddies because I planned to make memes from the early 80s TV show. Then I realized the show's probably insensitive to the trans community and I don't remember that because I was seven. So now it's because of the alliteration. And maybe I'll add some Anne of Green Gables memes---though she used "Bosom Friend" not buddy. But still. Anne probably had ADHD, so it all still works.