
those poor smurfs (or maybe they had it coming)

adhd authenticity entrepreneurship failure neurodivergence womanhood Jan 30, 2024
PTKA podcast promo ep 153

Hey friend!

Five years ago, I dyed my hair blue for the first time.

It was a promise I'd made to myself when I started my business.

I wanted to do something I knew wouldn't fly at any of my old workplaces.

Now, when I went blue, I wasn't new to hair color.

I'd always wanted to be a redhead, so I experimented with auburn and gingery hues throughout my life.

And I regularly had highlights done.

But I'd never gone bold with color.

At least, not on disastrous time, the strawberry blonde I was going for turned out shockingly Orphan Annie Orange. 

Go ahead and laugh at that visual. It's ok.

Anyway, when I went blue, I discovered something:

Bright or bold "punk" colors aren't permanent like "normal" hair colors. They wash out much more quickly.

The blue requires a lot more maintenance.

And a lot more tub scrubbing.

Each time I freshen the color, it looks like Gargamel succeeded in going all Texas Chainsaw on the Smurf village.

 (if you can't see the image above, it's a screenshot from the original 80's Smurf cartoon show of Gargamel chasing Smurfs.)

But even though it's a pain sometimes, I love the color and keep up with it most of the time.

Because even the coolest things have drawbacks.

My friend Angie and I talk about those drawbacks, both in hair color AND in ADHD on her podcast, Permission to Kick Ass.

 (if you can't see the image above, it's a podcast promo with my photo and "Permission to Kick Ass: ADHD as an Entrepreneurial Superpower with Kristen Stelzer")


Now, there are mixed feelings about seeing ADHD as a superpower.

And I get that.

If you take it literally, it could seem to imply that there aren't any drawbacks.

I'm not sure why that is...maybe because superheroes are admired and seem perfect?

But I'm nerd enough to have seen A LOT of superhero movies.

And having a superpower doesn't guarantee an easy, happy life. In fact, it seems quite the opposite most of the time.

I think most people talking about it as a superpower don't mean it literally either. It comes from marketing.

I learned about "finding my superpower" as a business owner long before I learned I had ADHD.

It's simply the thing, or ability, we have to offer that sets us apart.

And we all have that, ADHD or not.

Because we all have strengths.

And we all use them in unique ways.

The trick to making a business, or a job, or anything in your life work better is to use those strengths to your advantage.

Angie and I talk about that, too.

And she gives a great example of leveraging her strengths to compensate for things she struggles with. Click here to listen!

I'd love to hear what your strengths are and how you're using them!

Weird is my superpower,
