
Confession: I’m not much for small talk.

I mean, I can do it. If I must.

The weather these days, amirite?

But I’d MUCH rather overshare personal details and my latest weird thoughts. (Check out the rest of the site if you don't believe me.)

You too? Awesome.

We’re gonna get along great!

So come on in!

This is my office. On a “clean-ish” day.

Usually there’s more clutter.

Until there’s so much it eventually drives me nuts, I clean it all up, keep it that way for MAYBE 48 hours and then the clutter accumulation cycle starts again.

I used to think that meant there was something fundamentally wrong with me.

Keeping things tidy is something competent people do, right?

Messy space means a messy mind and all that.

But you know what?

There’s nothing wrong with having a messy mind.

Mine is messy. And it comes up with some amazing ideas... like this G.O.A.T. of a goat hat I made.

(It also comes up with some weird ones. And some clunkers. But I don’t think that’s because of the mess. Not every idea can be a winner.)

Anyway, one of my favorite ideas is that work doesn’t have to be a soul-sucking drag.

But part of the reason it feels like one is because workplaces were never designed for women.

Or families with  with care-giving responsibilities.

Or neurodivergent people.

Or anyone who doesn’t fit a particular outdated (and boring) mold.

And my very favorite idea is that I can help break that mold.

(Breaking stuff is fun.)

Wanna join me in building something better?

Awesome. See? I KNEW you were cool!

So where are you in your mold smashing journey?

I'm curiously exploring

You like the idea of having a business, but you can't quite start yet.

My stories and tips about running a business as a mom with an ADHD (and perimenopausal) brain and an ADHD kid will show you what it's like.

Hilarious AND informative. And not spammy.

I want the emails!

I'm ready to start

You want to build a business but you aren't sure where to start.

It might seem daunting, but it's actually exciting!

My free Break Free and Bloom Masterplan for Cultivating a Livelihood Rooted in Your Life was designed to help you start.

I want the Master Plan!

I have a business (but it's taking over my life!)

It's no fun having a business and no life.

But it's easy to get overwhelmed with the stuff you need and want to do.

Regain your time and sanity with a 1:1 Pop-Up Ops Assessment for Simpler Business.


I want my sanity!

What does your livelihood look like?

I'd love to hear from you!